Holy cow. I can't believe I started down this path. Its been one in the making for the last 5 years. Constantly having to say no, I don't do any shipping to out of town customers. It was a favorite question for almost every customer I had at the Saugatuck Farmers Market, a good majority of the people at that market were from out of town.
So here we are. I have sent my first package. I have a stash of more coolers, ready and waiting for the next order that may come in. Its a tough game of trying to balance prices and try to provide a service for people. But yet, I am so nervous about it. Nervous that I cannot meet people's expectations. Nervous that packages won't get to their destinations in a timely manner or in proper order. Nervous that I'll fail. That's really it. I'm afraid to fail.
In my book, failure isn't an option. Maybe that's how I see things, and I know that there are several people in my life that will say its plenty ok to have things not go to plan. Its ok to pivot... well its not my favorite. If I have to, I will... but I will do pretty much everything possible to not. Seeing things through is how I like to operate.
Getting all my necessary ducks in a row was a must. I took a little "shipping course" from another online meat retailer to try and learn any tips and tricks. Talked to other people I know that ship meats too so I made sure I had all my bases covered. Bought some equipment like a thermal label printer, scale to weigh packages, plenty of packing tape, and collecting styrofoam coolers. Thankfully I have connections with a doctor's office and a couple of veterinarians. As I keep ironing out the wrinkles and figure out what to really charge to cover all my costs, please give me some grace. It'll take some tries and a little time to dialed it all in where it should be.
At this time, I am looking at doing shipping mostly during the cooler months of the year. Keeps my coolant cost down and UPS Ground shipping will get packages next day to most of MI, IN, OH, IL, and WI and two day shipping to most places in the Midwest and basically up/down the east coast. That should be pretty easily done. Now, anything over 2 days will probably be out of reach for me at thus time. Air shipping is so darn expensive. Sorry to pretty much anyone past the Rockies, I just don't think I'll be able to make that work. Maybe someday.
Shipping in general is expensive. I don’t want to build it into my prices. All of my local pick up and delivery patrons do not need to pay extra just because I offer shipping to other people. So in an effort to do that, there’s a flat shipping rate available for those that wish for me to send them goodies. Well ship out on Mondays or Tuesdays in an effort to keep things from sitting in a warehouse over the weekend. We want to make sure this all works as planned.
Like I said, stick with me. It may be a wild ride ahead!
~Until Next Time